Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Grow up already!

Back in September, LMP served my BIL with divorce papers. I was a little upset, but could understand if you’re not happy and you feel like you need to move on, then I respect that decision. I was bummed out about what it means for Mini-J. But hey, what kids today actually have parents who are still married?

I tried to stay neutral. But Switzerland can only take so much. As these things tend to do, it’s gotten ugly. Besides all the childish fighting (because they’re still in the same house and have to stay that way until it’s final) LMP keeps doing really shitty things to people that I care about.

Yeah, my BIL can be a real prick. But you’re leaving. So stop hiding things from each other (from laptops to flat irons) and act like you’re the adults. Hearing about the things you’re doing in front of your kid just makes EVERYONE think you’re dumb asses.
Yes, my BIL has met someone else. Get over it. Who knows who you’ve been screwing, besides everyone seeing you (always in a bar) with men old enough to be your father. This was your decision. Sure, you thought he’d never find anyone and would live alone and be miserable for the rest of his life. Because, as we’ve established, you’re a dumb ass.

Back in February you had a tantrum because my BIL introduced his girlfriend to his family and friends. You called Bestie to get dirt. You even grilled my MIL for information, about her own son, that you then turned around and threatened him with. Do you even care how that made mom or Bestie feel? No, because you’re a dumb ass.

Bestie invited you to an Arbonne party (with wine tasting) tomorrow night. Because we’re still trying to stay out of things and maintain a relationship. But you had to go to my MIL and ask her if SHE wasn’t invited to the party, would she watch Mini-J for you? Well, you fucking bitch, how do you think that made her feel? I didn’t invite her because I know she doesn’t drink wine and I didn’t want her to feel obligated to buy over priced skin care products (and she would have bought some, I know without a doubt.) Was it your intention to hurt this woman who has never done anything to you? Besides babysit her grandson for free while you go out whoring around? Are you a spiteful, immature little bitch or just a dumb ass?

Do I feel better that I got this off of my chest? Yes. I hope it keeps me from spewing forth my opinion of your behavior to your face tomorrow night. BTW, LMP doesn’t stand for little miss perfect anymore…


  1. You haven't posted in six months and you still have more followers than I do? WTF?

  2. No comment for this post seems to have no contact with family and it's nice to comment on these issues. Me and my family want me to do a link exchange with you because you have a nice blog and most importantly to write with soul!
    November anyway we will read with great pleasure!
    hi with respect!

  3. I'm so glad your back!

    Ugh the drama. I'm kind of a drama queen myself, but I hope that if a kiddo were involved, I could reign myself in :(

  4. Now that really mean getting things of your chest! Very honest blog!

  5. I read the whole thing trying to figure out what LMP meant, but now I understand. Damn, I felt awkward just reading that. Sounds like a shitty situation.

  6. I still cannot figure out why I do not get your blog in my feed and I follow you??? I saw you on Raisins site and decided to see what you have been up too? Hmmm... I should be writing, or should I say venting about my own LMP sister...

  7. Good blogging my friend!

  8. I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment.
    I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading.
    Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
